Christian Fiction WITHOUT Romance

I am compiling a list of Christian fiction that does not have a romantic theme (based on requests by patrons). I have googled this topic and have come up with some titles. Could some of you "eager beavers" tell me your top 3 titles without romantic content? We are looking for titles released in the last 10 years, 15 max.THANK YOU for whatever you provide!

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  • Robin Jones Gunn's Sisterchicks series would qualify.  Each of the 8 books is about two women who go on a trip together and in addition to experiencing a new place, deepen their friendship and grow spiritually.  

    The Yada Yada Prayer Group series maybe? It's been many years since I read it so I'm not totally sure.


  • I think "The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip" is a book everyone should read.


  • And while we're at it... mysteties for children that aren't scary Cookbooks based on a series. We have The Bearenstain Beats one and the Boxcar children one. Are there any others?

  • I was coming on to suggest Creston Mapes books but he already did so himself!  How cool! 
    The List and The Light by Buck Storm are good and so is In the Flesh by Michael Gabriel.

  • Hey Lynda,

    My 14 Christian fiction titles are all Christian suspense with no romance. They are contemporary thrillers. I'd love for you to check them out. We have some deals running now. just search me on Amazon. All best. Creston

    • HI Creston! I didn't know you were on here!  Your books are so fun!  

      • Hi Susan! How funny. Yes...I am on here. Love working with libraries. Hope you are well!

        • I have read everything you've written yet, but of the ones I have my favorite is Dark Star

          • Thank you. If anyone reading this wants to check out DARK STAR free, they can sign up for my newsletter at my website and get that ebook free: 

            Grateful to hear from you, Susan. 

  • Does Joel Rosenberg include romance in his books?

    While we are the subject, are there Christian fiction books that do not include a death?

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