Children's Storybook Bibles

I just purchased Archbishop Desmond Tutu's "Children of God Storybook Bible" for Ages 4-8 . It's highly recommended by Christian Library Journal and I'm impressed with the selected stories, colorful, appealing illustrations by several illustrators, and general format of the book--children and parents will certainly appreciate it. What is your opinion of this title?

Some reviewers (on other sites) suggest "The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name" as a better title, but I was not impressed with the illustrations and it is recommended for children ages 9-12. Please share your opinions...

Barbara Troisi

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  • I have not seen this book.  Where was it purchased?  I am curious as to why it is called a storybook Bible.  Children do not need to think of the Bible as a storybook, but the living inspired word of God. I will have to reserve my opinion until I have reviewed the book.  Thanks for calling this to our attention.


    Rita Kirkland

    First Baptist Church Euless



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