Mary Reynolds requests the following ideas:
Our church library has been in a terrible state for the last 6-7 years. We have about 2000 books and we don't even have a budget until January. We have one bulletin board just outside the room & I would love ideas for it. Many people in our church don't even know the library exists.
Where is your library located in relationship to the busiest area of your church? If you are at a distance see if you can get a 2nd board. I have a large one in the main hall across from church office and just outside sanctuary. This hall is actually lined with bulletin boards, kind of like a nerve center. I change the didplay monthly except for June through August when it promotes the Summer reading program.
The smaller board outside the library is more decorative, I'd say. Usually a seasonal theme and quote.
Good luck with getting recognition for and use out of your library. Your Pastors need to promote. Also get lists of books from them. Our Pastors know that when they mention a book or author during a sermon or class that they mention the library as a resource. I have a special display of pastor recommended books always available.
Does your church do a newsletter. Have them add a library page with news and new books and movies. Or add as insert in bulletin. I do drawings often with sign up in the library. We are in midst of our fall open house now with seasonal decor, fall themed books and movies out on display. Also treats. I'll do another open house Christmas and Easter, same idea.
This year we did a 4 quarters board with each quarter focusing on titles that fit our theme for the 2022 Reading Challenge. The theme is spiritual disciplines so each quarter the readers get a bookmark with items to focus on and the board gives suggestions.