
  • The best guide is our resource notebook. It has great information and will help you in planning your class. So many of our librarians have not had to submit a budget I always begin with how to determine what is needed in your budget and how to research costs and then how to validate the need. Documentation is so important that it is most necessary to teach this area of budgeting. Then suggesting how to determine where the most of the budget should go. Teaching how to set up your headings and back up the number of people using the library, what area they are using and what they most look for in the church library. Good handouts are most helpful and perhaps a sample budget page to guide them in making out a budget. A good exercise would divide the class into groups and have them design a budget.

    Hope this helps some,
    Rita Kirkland
    • Rita,
      Thanks so much....I plan to use our resource notebook and I like your ideas...
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