Hi Everyone, 


Our library has been on a rocky road for a while. However, with our new pastor, things have certainly improved.


That being said, recently I was told that since library books don't save souls, and that's what church is really about, there is no need for inclusion in our budget. that our church's money needs to be spent on other programs.

Hmmm... I know that Lee Strobel's book CASE FOR CHRIST certainly makes a powerful statement about why an atheist became a Christian.

My question is, can anyone out there recommend other titles that can be used to bring a skeptic to salvation?

I'd like to have a list of titles before our next board meeting in two weeks.


Thanks so much,


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  • We are in discussions about starting a church library and I have received mixed response. 

    My reasoning about offering books and audio/visual materials from a Christian viewpoint is these materials can provide Biblical based options to our congregation and visitors (especially our young members) who are constantly bombarded by secular Hollywood, etc.

    • As you work with your church leaders, be sure to put your library in the context of disciple making. Pastors and leaders are searching for ways to develop a disciple making process that works. Your library can play significant roles in that process. Click here to read the article we have in the Fall 2017 issue of Facts & Trends. I am also attaching a list of trends in church libraries that Hope Ferguson put together recently:


      Most of these ideas are not new to us, but they are new to pastors and church leaders.

      Keep us posted on developments in your church. Our prayers go with you and your team!


      How to Transform Your Church Library | Facts & Trends
      What if your church library was so compelling that people returned often for help in taking the next step on their spiritual journey?
    • How exciting, Laine!  I truly hope it works out for you and others to start a church library. With resolve and purpose and a lot of prayer, I believe your church library can be quite a blessing. 

      Kay -- as someone on the sidelines of reading through these posts, I believe I totally understood your 1st post as you meant it. I felt the good intentions. Also, it helps me in clarifying the purpose and resolve for our church library. 

  • Thank you so much for the information. I will definitely use it.  I am so encouraged by everyone who has responded.

  • My personal favorite author is Og Mandino-The Worlds Greatest Salesman.  It is great story about a young boy who wants a better life because he is in love with a girl. His master gives him the opportunity to take a rob in to Bethlehem o try and sell it.  The young boy comes across a man and woman in a stable and he gives them the robe to wrap their baby child in...  Mr Mandinos books are often found in the self help or inspirational books.  It was on my suggested reading list when I used to sell insurance. I have all of his books in my personal library and have started adding them to our church library.

    • Thank you so much for the suggestion.  I am thrilled with the many suggestions people have made.

      • Linda --- Do you mind sharing with us the date for your board meeting so I can pray especially for you and the board members at the time of your meeting as well as praying for you now? 

        --from another Linda

        • Our pastor meets with the elders every Wednesday evening.  We have a business meeting going before the congregation on the 28th after services.  

          I don't think they are planning on "shutting down" the library, but I know I've been given $0.00 for my budget.

          Pastor said it reflects the value they place on this ministry.  Probably right. I realize I really need an education campaign to put people on the right track.

          Just keep me in prayer that I use discernment and can speak God's will concerning the Library Ministry and that their minds will open up to the possibilities of how this ministry can be effective.

          Thank you so much.

          • Will do ---  lots of time to be in prayer for you and all aspects of the library ministry. I'm marking those days on my calendar.

            Side thought: Do you have anyone at the church who uses/supports the Library? If so, could they contribute as spokesperson?

  • Janette Oke's books always have the gospel woven into them clearly.   Lawana Blackwell's series,  The Widow of Larkspur lane- Anything by Isabella Alden, or Grace Livingston Hill.   If I were you, I would pray about opening your presentation with the words of Christ from Matthew 28:18-20.   Making disciples takes RESOURCES among them books, good DVD's that share the gospel (harder to find these days- many are very fluffy).   The library should be a hub in a wheel with many spokes moving out into other realms of ministry.   People are still reading even if on e-readers and on-line.   Teachers need reference materials to teach their subjects.   Biographies of those who have walked with the Lord before us, encourage people even when they make mistakes.    Eric Metaxas has some excellent biographies out.  And who is going to encourage and train the children if there are no books and wholesome things for them?  The Big Picture Bible by David Helm.   Chicken Soup for the Soul for Alzheimers,  books on grief and suffering for adults and children.    J. I. Packer's excellent book, Knowing God;   After they are saved by the Holy Spirit, you need to feed them or they will not grow up in the Lord.   Sorry this is stream of consciousness, and rambling.

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