It goes without saying, of course, that she will need to spend a lot of time in the Word. A good Bible study group would be of great help to her. Precept is an excellent way to begin. I recommend the following: The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel; Totally saved, Tony Evans; Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow, R.C. Sproul, Discipline Yourself for Godliness, John S. Barnett; Crazy Love, Francis Chan; Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, David jeremiah; Downpour: He will Come to Us Like Rain, James MacDonald and Blueprint for Life: Discivering the Life You Were Born to Live, Andy Stanley.
I would also recommend Max Lucado's group of books which serve as growth and encouragement as we grow.
There are a lot of good books out there and I only touched on a few. Hope this helps some.
Thank you, Rita, for that wonderful list of great books for the new Christian. As you say, there are many! Oh, yes! many, many! The heart of the newborn Christian, awakened from the sleep of death, steps forth into the sunshine of God's morning, and hears the sounds of God's World for the First Time! Suddenly a verse from the old nursery rhyme book rises up in the mind and demands a new hearing! Great, Wide, Beautiful Wonderful World! With the beautiful waters around you curled! And the beautiful grass upon your breast! World, you are beautifully dressed! The Lord is in His Holy Temple! Let all the earth keep silence before Him! I was age 12 when I was saved and baptized, but I was 32 before I answered the Holy Spirit's beseeching Voice and I did as Romans 12 asked . I presented my body a living sacrifice. Since then my mind has been given over to Him. That is when the mind is fully receptive and God is delighted to assist us in every way to walk in the Light of His Presence. I am glad to say that I have loved carrying the little purse sized Gospel of John --the kind that is soft and easy to carry and read, and I've worn out several copies. Brother Lawrence's Practicing the Presence of God, Thomas A`Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, Those are two priceless classics. I have loved reading the glimpses of God in Sunlight and Storm that are presented in Gigi Graham Tchividjian's book, Weather of the Heart, and Robert Jeffress' insightful book, Clutter-FREE Christianity. (What God Really Desires for You,) which includes a Bible study guide for personal growth and group discussion. This is extremely helpful in guiding the new Christian in practical ways. One thing that I could positively confirm was his discussion of ordering the level of our mental life. He is showing here how to pray and be doing your everyday tasks. I discovered this great truth and the practice of it when I worked as supervisor in a public library, and had a multitude of things confronting me every minute, and at the same time a son in Vietnam conflict, another son whose life was a study in "doing his own thing!" and a daughter in college needing constant prayer. All three children were driving me to my knees all hours of the nights and mornings, and then I was faced with these responsibilities that were extremely trying. This is when I made a stupendous and miraculous discovery about prayer, and I do not hesitate to say that is the reason for no nervous breakdown, no depression, no discouragement, only deep and abiding JOY in the Presence of the Lord! Dr. Jeffress delves into this, and what a great help that will be to the reader who has not yet found it out as I did, from sheer necessity and calling on the Lord for HELP! This book has great insights into every aspect of the Life in Christ. Just as you say, the titles just keep appearing, and the years come and go. I am so glad that she has turned to the Word and all the writers who love the Lord and to whom much has been given to share. Maxine Bersch Lovern
I would also recommend Max Lucado's group of books which serve as growth and encouragement as we grow.
There are a lot of good books out there and I only touched on a few. Hope this helps some.
Rita Kirkland