I am so happy to see this question, this morning was our first book group of September and I always leave feeling euphoric. The group in our church now has 26 members, not all attend every week, on average 18 attend.
In the beginning I spoke to users of the library and put ads in the bulletin. We started in 2005 with 5 members and each week someone new would turn up. Mostly by word of mouth.
The success, I believe, is in the choice of books (we also watch videos and have speakers) and the group dynamic is really important. We share the book together with readers volunteering to read about 10 pages each. We read non-fiction faith based and interfaith books. We do not have set questions, during the reading and the discussion is where we exchange ideas and questions.
I share the leadership with one other person, our minister does not lead the group, he likes what we do and said that he does not need to be there. Not having our minister in the group allows us to be freer to discuss our own faith issues. Our first book was suggested by our minister but since then the group chooses the books, I usually have several for them to choose from. We do any research on line and use the books in our library and the public library.
The pros are that anyone who joins us feel really positive about what we are reading. We laugh a lot and we support each other through difficult times.
Cons I can't think of any. We don't have food, we have candy and bring our own cups for water.
Thanks for the helpful suggestions. If you can think of anymore ideas please let me know. Today is workday in the church library and as usual I'm running late.
I am so happy to see this question, this morning was our first book group of September and I always leave feeling euphoric. The group in our church now has 26 members, not all attend every week, on average 18 attend.
In the beginning I spoke to users of the library and put ads in the bulletin. We started in 2005 with 5 members and each week someone new would turn up. Mostly by word of mouth.
The success, I believe, is in the choice of books (we also watch videos and have speakers) and the group dynamic is really important. We share the book together with readers volunteering to read about 10 pages each. We read non-fiction faith based and interfaith books. We do not have set questions, during the reading and the discussion is where we exchange ideas and questions.
I share the leadership with one other person, our minister does not lead the group, he likes what we do and said that he does not need to be there. Not having our minister in the group allows us to be freer to discuss our own faith issues. Our first book was suggested by our minister but since then the group chooses the books, I usually have several for them to choose from. We do any research on line and use the books in our library and the public library.
The pros are that anyone who joins us feel really positive about what we are reading. We laugh a lot and we support each other through difficult times.
Cons I can't think of any. We don't have food, we have candy and bring our own cups for water.
I hope that you give it a try.
Good luck
Dear Kay,
Thanks for the helpful suggestions. If you can think of anymore ideas please let me know. Today is workday in the church library and as usual I'm running late.
Thanks again !
Janet Estridge.