
  • We do have a collection of Bible studies that come as kits (workbook -not written in and DVD).  Most of our kits are placed in the library after our men or women have used the kit in a Bible study.  Other churches often borrow them and we are glad to 'check' them out for other churches to use.  We do not keep workbooks that have been written in.  During the 'weeding' process, we may get rid of a kit if it hasn't been used in a while, or part of the kit is missing and can no longer be replaced. 

  • I believe mine are donations from those who have finished the Bible Study. I am inclined not to add them to the collection.  There is a place where we send material that is then sent to other places.  I am leaning towards that.  These seem almost like a workbook to me.  Still in a quandary.  Guess I won't do anything until I ponder and pray on it for a little longer.

  • We add the multi-media sets as Kits.  These are studies that would use shelves with rubber bands around them to keep all the pieces together!

    For those devotional studies that are for individual use, we have a few for circulation.  There may be some people who would like to look at them before making a purchase.

    I hope this will help in your collection process!

  • *My Experience*

    We have a section in which (Small) Group Studies are collected together. This section is handled primarily through our Pastor's wife, who is also the church secretary. Those group studies are used a month at a time and are not the normal 2-week checkout material.


    We also have a section for private Bible Studies/Devotions. As new librarian, I'll be going through & taking out the type that is to be written within. I already took a few out because I don't see that they were ever checked out. After I complete some of the children's projects, I'll be working on the Adult Collection & hoping to streamline things more such as weeding out devotionals that are to be written.


    Best wishes as you try to figure out what to do.




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