Basic Library skills and needs mini workshop

I was just informed that my offer to do a mini breakout session at the South Roanoke Associational Meeting was approved. This will take place on Oct 17, 2011.


I have about 45 minutes to cover basic library skills and needs like promotion, classification & cataloging , administration, collection development.  I want this to be a intro to the library world for anyone who wants to start one or is just beginning and wants some pointers.


This will be my biggest venture yet.  I just wanted to gather pointers from all of my fellow librarians on here.  Thank you very much and have a wonderfully blessed day!


Thirsty for God,

Jenn Burwell

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  • Just wanted to thank everyone who made suggestions or assisted me in anyway on this breakout session. I had 14 attendees and while we went over basic library startup needs, mostly we did a Q&A session. We had a good mix of brand new librarians and some who have been doing this for years.


    Thanks again and have a wonderfully blessed evening!

  • Jenn, this is a great opportunity to introduce prospective and fellow librarians to the resources available to church librarians.  Ask Morlee Maynard to send you a copy of the handout which will give you information about these resources, including the address for this website: and a way to sign up for the CLM e-newsletter.  Be sure to talk about the Equipping Church Librarians for Ministry (ECLM) training tool available on this website. (See the EQUIP tab)  When you introduce ECLM, you will be talking about all of the aspects of Church Library Ministry.

    Prepare an attractive display including Church Library Ministry Information Service and A Classification System for Church Libraries, Revised. For a Southern Baptist meeting, include a copy of the age group magazines, which have good suggestions for media to add to the library. Facts and Trends is another good resource, which gives information about items which are new or soon-to-be releases.  Download and print a copy of the Equipping Church Librarians for Ministry certificate plan and place in a binder or attractive folder, so that people can see what it involves.

    This 'information' meeting plan will fit nicely into the 45-minute format and will give the attendees information to "dig into" later.  It is important to "teach them to fish" instead of "giving them a meal."

    Gather names, addresses, e-mail and phone numbers so that you can keep in touch with your fellow librarians.

    Between now and October, I'm sure you will receive many more suggestions and ideas.  Pray for the people who will be there and that your presentation will be what they need to hear.  We need to remember this prayer for all those who will be attending and leading conferences in the coming months!  Fall is traditionally the "heavy" time frame for training!


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