Automated library cost?

HI Everyone,

We are analyzing our current automated library system and I'm wondering how comparable the price is to others out there.  Could you let me know (only if you have an automated system of course) what system you use and how much it costs yearly?  (I guess whether you like it or not would be good to know also)  I'm guessing we have about 10,000 items if that makes a difference.  Also, does your system have an online catalog or ability?

Thanks for your help!


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  • Nicole, look in the right hand column under Sponsors and you will find three software vendors.  You can click through to the company website to ask for information about each company's product.  All will be glad to work with you on your purchase.  Our church library uses Concourse by Book Systems, but the other companies have good library management software too. 

    Concourse is very user friendly, tech support is very good and free for the first year.  Technical support cost per year depends on the particular modules  you may have purchased.  I believe all of the companies have different levels and you can start out with a basic level to get your database started and then add other modules. I believe each has the ability to have the catalog available on the internet.

    Check out our catalog at - select ministries, then library, then you can see the link to search the catalog.

    First Baptist Church Home
    First Baptist Church Corinth Mississippi
  • Well- when you said small library, I thought a whole lot smaller than 10,000!   Anyway, that's about what we have, and we chose Book Systems.   We have three modules, Concourse Opac (catalog- not on line), Concourse,  the Patrons module, and tech support.  It costs about 1/2 of my yearly budget (355.00).   I am very pleased with it.   Tech support people are responsive.   There are other cheaper ones out.

    • haha!  I guess that isn't that small huh?  Actually, I have no idea how many books we have but I know we just printed out our non-fiction to see how many are checked out (sadly, hardly any) and that was about 3,000 alone!  It will be interesting to see how many we actually have.  

      Thank you so much for your information Martha.  That's a big help.

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