Yesterday, I heard that publishers are transitioning to hardback books without paperbooks. Have you heard anything about that? I am noticing that hardbacks right now are sometimes almost the same price as the paperbacks. And I also notice new books are often launched in hardback with no mention of a future paperback. Kindle, eBooks, and audiobooks seem to remain.

Any thoughts?


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  • My problem is that the hardbacks are usually bigger and take up more room so unless I can get them in paperback, I hesitate to get the hardbacks. If the price comes down, I may consider the hardbacks.


  • Preference for paperback or hardcover really seems to vary by category.  Picture books/easy books often work best as hard cover, though some only come in paperback. Adult fiction circulates best in paperback; I think it is easier to hold in the hands if a book bends a little (just my opinion). Junior fiction absolutely should be paperback, at least in my church library. Junior and Young adult readers do not seem to like hardcovers. Too much like textbooks?  Adult non-fiction works as either paperback or hardcover, I've not heard about this issue from publishers, but it seems like another discussion like going paperless, cashless, etc. It may drive Christian authors to smaller publishers and we may have to be willing to pay somewhat higher prices. 

  • Oh good grief I hope that's not true!  Most of the hardcovers I'm seeing are much more expensive than paperbacks.  Also they take up more space on bookcases!  It is true that they are more durable but still...most books (adult anyway) in our library don't get borrowed often enough to wear out.


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