
  • I've just this week used AI to find books and articles exploring and critiquing the issues surronding CCM (Contemporary Christian Music). It was very revealing and interesting covering many aspects of music including theology, church planning (mission), and what music should be to those listeners. I woud strongly suggest church librarians become familiar with these aspects of church music.

  • I use AI regularly to find summaries of books for Atriuum.  I do a seach on Bing (Microsoft search engine) by using the title and author.  After getting a list of search results, I click on the AI Icon, Microsoft calls it Co-Pilot. AI then searches through the search results and gives a summary of the book. It cites the sources used to create the summary.  Those sources can be used as well for more information by clicking on the footnote reference.  The summaries are better than what Amazon provides.  I use only parts of the AI 13446858668?profile=RESIZE_930x13446867663?profile=RESIZE_930xsummaries and reword them for shorter descriptions.

  • I have used the AI openAI/Chatgpt for refering others to various resources; AI can make a very quick bibliography on particular subjects needed. One can't be sure the selections are best, but sometimes it finds associations which have produced best bibliographies.

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