
  • First, pray.  Thank God for the church library and what it means to the church.  Ask for help to be a good steward of the library's materials.  To me that is what an inventory is all about:  accountablility for God's money.

    Before the inventory, I try to make sure all books on the mending shelf are finished and shelved.  I also have an account called Library Repair.  If something comes in needing repair, it is checked out to this account and put on the shelf.   This way it can't be accidentally reserved until it is back on the shelf.  If I do have something left on the shelf that I can't get to, the system will treat it like any other checked out book.

    Then I shelve any books that might be on display, except for the window.  Books in the window are checked out to an account called Library Display, so the computer will take into account these books automatically.

    It's good if you have time to weed, because during the inventory you will most likely see books that need to be removed.  I cut colored paper into several strips and use them to indicate what needs to be done to such books I find during the inventory.  The color represents what needs to be done, such as blue for mend or green for weed.  This is easy for me, but you may have your own system.

    Then I print a list of lost books and check the shelves to make sure they are actually lost.  If I find a book on the shelf that is marked lost, all I have to do is check it in and the system I use will mark it found.  

    Then I print a list of checked out items and make sure they are actually checked out and not on the shelf.

    I try to make sure I correct any bibliographic record corrections, such as spine label or barcode mistakes that might interfere with an accurate inventory.  If I find any during inventory, then I have another colored strip of paper for this.

    If you are going to inventory the entire library I would stop cataloging books until it's done.  For some people this is impractical due to the size of the library or the scope of the inventory.

    This is all I can think of at the moment.  Hope this helps.



    • Rhonda, can I ask what program you use? Thank you! 

      • Amber,

        We use Atriuum for Church Libraries by Book Systems.  The reports in it are very helpful, and we can also create and save our own customized reports.  We're trying to get ready for an inventory, but it will probably be next year though before I finish cataloging church archival materials I'm currrently working on.  Feel free to contact me at the library at if you have specifice questions. I am not there but twice a week, but I can access Atriuum and the email at home.


  • Amy and I are wrapping up our 2024 inventory which we started back in the winter months. We are working through a list of "Patrons with Items" that is now down to 19 people. We started with a much larger list. We agreed that I would contact them by email. Amazing how I keep getting distracted from making these contacts. A larger number of the original list were people who have moved away or left our church family. We decided not to bother them. 

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