Church Library Ministry Collection Development



  1. Weeding a Church Library
  2. Conducting an Inventory in a Computerized Church Library
  3. Conducting an Inventory in a Non-Computerized Church Library


  • INTERVIEW/VISIT: Use the Q&A on the Church Librarians Network to ask questions about inventory and weeding. Post questions and interact with other librarians about what is working for them.

  • DEVELOP a weeding policy (sample on p. 117, Church Library Ministry Information Service) for your church library.


  • IMPLEMENT: Place a copy of the weeding policy in the desk book. Print out an inventory list if the library is automated, or use the shelf list cards, to complete an inventory. This procedure should be done yearly. Weeding the collection may be done with the inventory or at another time.


  •  EVALUATE the weeding and inventory procedures you just used. Write down any suggestions/changes for next year, always striving to be more efficient in your annual inventory and the “deselecting” process (weeding). Share your weeding and inventory experiences with the Church Librarians Network on The Circle tab.



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